
Peet Boot Dryer with Extensions for Boots with Chaps


Peet® dryer is a clever device designed to effectively remove wet, sweat and odor from footwear and gear, without deteriorating materials and without using an undue amount of energy. Peet dryers are safe for use on footwear and gear made from most any materials: leather, canvas, rubber, vinyl, cloth, plastic and all modern fabrics.

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The drying process eliminates odor-causing bacteria and arrests the development of mold and mildew that can deteriorate materials, extending your investment in your valuable footwear and gear. The result is what we call “peet® dry” – and the benefits to your comfort, health, and well-being are considerable.

Let peet dry go to your head_ and your hands… With peet dryports

There was a time when peet dryers only dried the most essential equipment for personal transportation – footwear. Times have changed. Now we bring peet dry to your hands, with peet® glove dryportst., and even to your head, with the peet® helmet dryportmi.


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